Oil & Gas
Techconsult AS
Sted: Offshore – Johan Sverdrup
Sektor: Privat
Søknadfrist: Snarest
Tiltredelse: Etter avtale
Stillingstype: Prosjekt
Navn: Nina Fjeldstad
Telefon: +4745814290
Techconsult er bindeleddet mellom dyktige mennesker og krevende jobber. For en av våre kunder søker vi nå etter INSULATION FIELD ENGINEER 25480.
Field engineer shall ensure that the activities and scope for construction within insulation for architect, piping and equipment is planned, qualified, performed and documented in accordance with the contract specifications and with a high focus on cost efficient construction.
The Field engineer is reporting in the Construction and shall collaborate with the Project Material Lead Engineer who is accountable for decisions within the discipline (i.a. NCRs, TQs, design issues).
Stillingens arbeidsoppgaver:
– Monitoring of Contractors fabrication activities within insulation for architect, piping and equipment with emphasis on quality, schedule, cost efficiency and HSE.
– Monitor work progress against plans and schedules and highlight areas of concern and possible corrective actions
– Participate in engineering and construction reviews to secure feasible and cost-efficient end-result in construction
– Ensure that Contractor’s site personnel are qualified in accordance with project requirements.
– Supervise inspectors in site team
– Plan/Participate in audits / verifications as required.
– Ensure that all required procedure qualifications are performed.
– Review selected drawings and documents issued by Contractor
– Provide inputs to decisions within the discipline (i.e NCRs, TQs, design issues)
– Ensure that systems and equipment are protected and preserved
– Ensure that fabrication documentation is issued by Contractor in accordance with requirements.
– Ensure that all required fabrication records are prepared.
– Report deviations and highlight problem areas to Construction lead
– Ensure completion for handover to commissioning.
– Participate in area / system punch out as required and monitor status.
Dine kvalifikasjoner:
– Field engineer insulation competence
– English and Norwegian.
For å være aktuell må du være lokalisert innenfor Europa (fortrinnsvis innenfor EU/EØS).
Stillingens spesifikasjoner:
Søknadsfristen for denne stillingen er ASAP, men vi vil også vurdere kandidater til lignende eller andre relevante stillinger fortløpende.
Arbeidssted: Offshore – Johan Sverdrup
Oppstart: 31.10.2023
Varighet: 15.03.2024
Rotation: 14/28
Techconsult tilbyr deg som ansatt:
• Markedsmessige betingelser
• Faglig utvikling og fleksibilitet gjennom å jobbe i prosjekter hos de største aktørene innen olje-, gass- og landbasert industri
• God oppfølging av den enkelte medarbeider
• Forsikringsordninger
• Sosiale aktiviteter for de ansatte
• Støtte til fysisk utvikling og trening
Techconsult vektlegger å være nær våre ansatte, og vi fokuserer på å være en profesjonell, sikker og hyggelig arbeidsgiver hvor du tydelig skal merke at fokus er på deg.
Har du spørsmål rundt stillingen er det bare å kontakte meg, Nina Fjeldstad, på e-post:
Spørsmål rundt stillingen?
Har du spørsmål rundt stillingen er det bare å kontakte oppgitt kontaktperson for denne.