Law on Transparency in Companies’ Efforts towards Fundamental Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions (TRANSPARENCY LAW) Report on Techconsult’s Work with Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions
The new Transparency Law, which came into effect on July 1, 2022, obligates Techconsult to conduct due diligence assessments in line with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Furthermore, the company is required to respond to information requests from the public and provide an account of Techconsult’s work on due diligence assessments. The following email address is used to send inquiries regarding this matter to Techconsult:
This report summarizes the basis and summary of the work that the company has undertaken.
Techconsult is a consulting and recruitment company that operates with clients and employees in various countries. The company actively recruits specialized expertise in technical and project administrative areas. More information about Techconsult can be found here. The company is subject to the provisions of the Transparency Law and continuously works to promote human rights and equality.
In its Code of Ethics, the company states that Techconsult supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, which include human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption measures.
Techconsult aims to make a positive contribution to the promotion of respect for human rights and workers’ rights and actively collaborates with responsible suppliers and partners in this regard. In 2023, the company has adopted further enhancements to its Code of Ethics, which describe our commitment to conducting our business in accordance with the UN Global Compact. The ethical principles include human rights, workers’ rights, business ethics, gender equality, anti-discrimination, forced labor, child labor, and the environment.
The new guidelines have been incorporated into all internal and external communications, as well as into all relevant contracts and agreements of the company.
At Techconsult, we work systematically to incorporate human rights aspects into our operations and in our dealings with partners. We do this, among other things, by providing our employees with decent wages, regulated working hours, and a clear zero-tolerance policy for child labor in the supply chain. We strive to uncover any potential violations of human rights and decent working conditions related to Techconsult’s operations, and we exercise a high degree of caution when purchasing goods or services in areas where human rights and workers’ rights are typically weaker. Techconsult expects our suppliers to adhere to our ethical principles for suppliers. Our ethical principles are incorporated into all our supplier agreements.
Techconsult has established processes for due diligence within the company. We have analyzed several areas and conducted an overall risk assessment to identify the most significant risk areas related to human rights and decent working conditions. So far, no negative consequences have been identified.
Based on the risk assessment, the following areas will be prioritized in our ongoing work:
- Working conditions in our supply chain related to foreign labor.
- Handling of personal data related to applicants and employees.
- Further mapping and ensuring of the psychosocial work environment for our employees.
- Improving information, communication, and training of our employees, also related to the scope of the Transparency Law.
On several of these areas, we already have well-established systems and routines. This particularly applies to ensuring good wage and working conditions in our supply chain and handling personal data. In 2023, we conducted the first of two surveys of our employees, and the second survey will be conducted in the fall of 2023. The results of these surveys will form the basis for our further work in these areas.
We constantly evaluate and improve our procedures to ensure that we do not cause, contribute to, or directly link to human rights violations and decent working conditions. We are currently working on developing a plan to further strengthen our efforts to reduce risks in the areas we have identified. This includes, among other things:
- Improving our procurement procedures and supplier monitoring.
- Internal competence development.
- Implementation of enhanced contract requirements related to human rights.
- In-depth investigations.
This work is anchored in both the company’s management and board.
The work on due diligence assessments is an ongoing process aimed at achieving real improvements for people within our own operations and supply chain.
This statement, together with the company’s Code of Ethics, provides a comprehensive description of the company’s due diligence work.
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Bergen, 29.06.23
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