Quality, HSE and environment
Techconsult AS places great emphasis on quality at all levels. The company has developed and implemented a comprehensive quality control system that covers all areas of business.
The system is based on the provisions set out in NS ISO 9001. The quality control system is a living part of Techconsult’s and the individual employee’s working day and is under continuous revision to incorporate both clients’, employees’ and the board’s requirements regarding QA in all its facets.
Read more about Techconsult`s quality objective here
Health, environment and safety
Techconsult has a sustained focus on Health, Environment and Safety (HES) and the company has clear objectives for its work in both internal and external parts of their business.
Through our work, where we carry a large part of our activities under client supervision and responsibility, it has also been very important to us that our procedures and systems ensure that employees from Techconsult know and identify with the goals that our clients have in their work concerning HES.
As an employee of Techconsult, you will undergo an extensive training program to ensure awareness and understanding of the importance of this area.
Read more about Techconsult`s HES and environmental objectives here
Techconsult AS has implemented a comprehensive set of ethical regulations that outline important frameworks for how Techconsult as a company, employer and supplier conducts its business.
The regulations set clear guidelines for all levels and functions of the company, and satisfy the requirements for ethics and ethical conduct that we meet as a supplier to large national and international companies.
Through attitude formation and contractual provisions, we ensure that our employees are committed to the ethical guidelines that Techconsult has set as a basis of its business.