Ethical guidelines


Techconsult AS’s reputation depends on, and is a result of, the individual employee’s attitude and behaviour. Each employee and representative associated with the company must therefore actively participate in maintaining the high ethical standards that show that we as a company and individuals act in a responsible and ethical manner and that we respect the needs of the individual, society and the environment.

Conflicts of interest

The company expects its employees to perform their tasks at their best discretion in matters affecting the company. In order to maintain independence in judgment and action, employees must avoid conflicts of interest or what may lead to a conflict based on financial or personal interests. In the event that employees are in doubt as to whether an action conflicts with the ethical norms of Techconsult, the employee is obliged to contact their supervisor or representative of the company’s management for advice.

Techconsult’s employees must have approval from management if employees are to hold board positions in competing companies. This is to avoid conflicts of interest, obtaining benefits on the wrong basis, as well as doubts about good business practice.

Relationship to clients, suppliers, markets, collegues and society

The company and its employees shall always act with the highest degree of integrity. The company expects you to treat everyone you come in contact with – customers, employees, representatives and suppliers – in a fair and respectful manner. The individual employee is obliged to follow up on our customers’ objectives and guidelines for business operations.

The company is committed to making full use of its employees’ abilities and to comply with the principles of equal employment opportunities.

Techconsult shall not discriminate based on employment, salary, training, promotion or dismissal based on gender, age, ethnic or national background, caste, religion, disability, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.

Techconsult shall not cooperate with companies that use child labour or forced labour in their operations. Techconsult employees who register that child labour is taking place must report this to management, which in turn will report this to the authorities.

Techconsult is against all purchases of sexual services and the employees must refrain from any offer or purchase of a sexual nature when they are on assignment or travel on behalf of Techconsult or their customers.

Techconsult is politically independent and does not support any political parties or politicians. The company will participate in political debates where it has a corporate interest. Techconsult’s employees are free to participate actively in political activities and parties, however without involving the company or employees’ role in the company.

Confidential information

The Company and Client’s property is to be used solely in their interest. Use of company property for personal gain is not permitted and must be returned on termination of employment. Information connected to the Company’s or client’s business operations, technology, production or personnel details is to be regarded as strictly confidential, also internally in Techconsult AS, and never directly or indirectly misused for personal gain.

Legal obligations

Compliance with legal requirements and obligations shall govern all business decisions and actions taken by employees. Every effort is to be made to ensure individual and collective compliance with all legal requirements and obligations applicable to one’s own working area. All legal and public queries or actions shall be directed to, and settled by the Company’s management.

Regulations and company policy

The following regulations apply at all times:

  • The Company’s capital or property must not be used in any way that may come in conflict with prevailing laws or regulations.
  • No false, forged or misleading entries or statements should be made in the company’s accounts or archives
  • No transactions or payments on behalf of the company should be made on the understanding that the transaction or payment is anything other than what is described in the supporting documentation for the transaction or payment.
  • The company shall comply with applicable laws and regulations related to money laundering.
  • The company is committed to non-discrimination, to protect the environment and to promote a good HSE standard for our employees.
  • In dealings with a supplier, customer, public servant or other person or independent entity, no manager or employee of the company may request, accept or give major items of value for the purpose of influencing the decisions to be made by the above.
  • This policy declaration applies to Techconsult and its subsidiaries.


The Company’s management and employees are responsible for enforcing the rules in this policy statement. Management and employees in the company who have information about or knowledge of transactions or actions that are prohibited in accordance with our policy statement, must immediately report this to the company’s internal audit or management.

The Company’s ethical guidelines shall be known to all employees in Techconsult AS and be presented to all new employees on their commencement

Furthermore, all suppliers and partners are to be acquainted with the Company’s ethical guidelines and ensure compliance with these.