Below you will find answers to any questions. We hope it helps both you who want to use our services, and you who want to work for us. If you do not find the answer here and are still wondering about something, just get in touch.


PAYE taxes in Norway - be aware!!

Most foreign workers start working in Norway will automatically become part of a voluntary tax scheme called PAYE (Pay As You Earn) when they apply for a tax deduction card.

The short version of how this work

You pay 25% tax. You cannot claim any deductions.
Be aware that the income limit having this tax card is 6*base salary amount. The amount for 2022 is NOK 643.800.

If you are in a situation where  commuting cost is refunded by Techconsult, and/or your income will exceed the NOK 643.800,- you must ask to be taxed under general tax rules, not the PAYE.

You cannot be part of the PAYE scheme for income earned on the Norwegian continental shelf.

For more information regarding the PAYE scheme:


Am I a formal commuter?

By having the status of a formal commuter in accordance with the Norwegian Tax Agency’s rules, you will have the advantage of having a full or partial tax deduction for all costs you have in connection with working somewhere other than where you live. This applies to both Norwegian and foreign citizens. You can also then have such costs covered by your employer without it being taxed as a benefit.

The regulations are nevertheless quite complicated, and to see if you are in fact a commuter, we therefore recommend that you check out this website at the Tax Office:

Are you a commuter?

I have a profile in the database of Techconsult AS, but have not been contacted in connection with an assignment I may be interested in - what do I do?

Send email with updated CV to contact person for the position and register your interest. You will find your contact person on our intranet pages.

What rights do I have as an employee of Techconsult?

As a project employee in Techconsult, you have the same rights related to sickness benefits, holiday pay, holidays, notice periods, etc. as a regular permanent employee. The employment contract that we enter into covers all rights and obligations you have as an employee with us. Salary and other conditions can vary from assignment to assignment, depending on the customer, type of job and the rules of the Temporary Agency Directive.

How do I apply for positions in Techconsult?

You can either apply for a specific position which you can find here, https://techconsult.no/stillinger/stillingledig or submit a general application by filling out our application form https://techconsult.no/stillinger/sok-pa-stillinger

How do I change my password in Techconsult's database?

You can change your password by logging in to our intranet www.techconsult.no/intranett

What do I do if I have moved or gotten a job - in relation to my registration in Techconsul's database?

If you have moved, you can update your address and contact information on our intranet pages www.techconsult.no/intranett. If you have gotten a job, and are no longer looking for a job, you can choose whether you want to leave your profile with us (you will be able to be contacted regarding exciting positions). You can also request to have your profile deleted by sending an email to post@techconsult or do this directly on the intranet. On the intranet you can also change all other personal information, telephones, emails, submit new documents and much more.

Can I use my limited company in connection with assignments for Techconsult AS?

Yes you can. We will sign a supplier agreement with the company. The company must be VAT registered and we want a declaration of Exemption from Solidarity Liability.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can have it resent by clicking here www.techconsult.no/consult/login.jsp

What should a resume contain?

Your CV should contain information about your relevant work experience and information about your education. When you apply for the first time, we will, in addition to the CV, have 2 references as well as a copy of diplomas and certificates.

What do I do if I want to delete an old CV or enter a new CV in the Techconsult database?

You can delete your old CV and upload a new one, as well as upload other relevant documents by logging in to our intranet www.techconsult.no/intranett

What insurance do I get as an employee of Techconsult?

In Techconsult, you have all statutory insurance both in terms of occupational disease and occupational injury. This also applies to extended offshore insurance. In addition, we have a standard travel insurance. Techconsult will also ensure that job- and customer-specific requirements for insurance are covered. Your total insurance coverage will therefore partly depend on what position and responsibilities you have, where in the world you work, risk profile etc.


I have a profile in the database of Techconsult AS, but have not been contacted in connection with an assignment I may be interested in - what do I do?

Send email with updated CV to contact person for the position and register your interest. You will find your contact person on our intranet pages .

What rights do I have as an employee of Techconsult?

As a project employee in Techconsult, you have the same rights related to sickness benefits, holiday pay, holidays, notice periods, etc. as a regular permanent employee. The employment contract that we enter into covers all rights and obligations you have as an employee with us. Salary and other conditions can vary from assignment to assignment depending on the customer, type of job and the Temporary Agency Directive’s rules.

How do I apply for positions in Techconsult?

You can either apply for a specific position which you can find here, www.techconsult.no/stillinger/stillingledig or submit a general application by filling out our application form www.techconsult.no/stillinger/sok-pa-stillinger

How do I change my password in Techconsult's database?

You can change your password by logging in to our intranet www.techconsult.no/intranett

What do I do if I have moved or gotten a job - in relation to my registration in Techconsul's database?

If you have moved, you can update your address and contact information on our intranet pages www.techconsult.no/intranett. If you have gotten a job, and are no longer looking for a job, you can choose whether you want to leave your profile with us (you will be able to be contacted regarding exciting positions). You can also request to have your profile deleted by sending an email to post@techconsult or do this directly on the intranet. On the intranet you can also change all other personal information, telephones, emails, submit new documents and much more.

Can I use my limited company in connection with assignments for Techconsult AS?

Yes you can. We will sign a supplier agreement with the company. The company must be VAT registered and we want a declaration of Exemption from Solidarity Liability.

What insurance do I get as an employee of Techconsult?

In Techconsult, you have all statutory insurance both in terms of occupational disease and occupational injury. This also applies to extended offshore insurance. In addition, we have a standard travel insurance. Techconsult will also ensure that job- and customer-specific requirements for insurance are covered. Your total insurance coverage will therefore partly depend on what position and responsibilities you have, where in the world you work, risk profile etc.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can have it resent by clicking here www.techconsult.no/consult/login.jsp

What do I do if I want to delete an old CV or enter a new CV in the Techconsult database?

You can delete your old CV and upload a new one, as well as upload other relevant documents by logging in to our intranet www.techconsult.no/intranett

What should a resume contain?

Your CV should contain information about your relevant work experience and information about your education. When you apply for the first time, we will, in addition to the CV, have 2 references as well as a copy of diplomas and certificates.


I have a profile in the database of Techconsult AS, but have not been contacted in connection with an assignment I may be interested in - what do I do?

Send email with updated CV to contact person for the position and register your interest. You will find your contact person on our intranet pages .

What rights do I have as an employee of Techconsult?

As a project employee in Techconsult, you have the same rights related to sickness benefits, holiday pay, holidays, notice periods, etc. as a regular permanent employee. The employment contract that we enter into covers all rights and obligations you have as an employee with us. Salary and other conditions can vary from assignment to assignment depending on the customer, type of job and the Temporary Agency Directive’s rules.

What do I do if I have moved or gotten a job - in relation to my registration in Techconsul's database?

If you have moved, you can update your address and contact information on our intranet pages www.techconsult.no/intranett. If you have gotten a job, and are no longer looking for a job, you can choose whether you want to leave your profile with us (you will be able to be contacted regarding exciting positions). You can also request to have your profile deleted by sending an email to post@techconsult or do this directly on the intranet. On the intranet you can also change all other personal information, telephones, emails, submit new documents and much more.

How do I change my password in Techconsult's database?

You can change your password by logging in to our intranet www.techconsult.no/intranett

How do I apply for positions in Techconsult?

You can either apply for a specific position which you can find here, www.techconsult.no/stillinger/stillingledig or submit a general application by filling out our application form www.techconsult.no/stillinger/sok-pa-stillinger

Can I use my limited company in connection with assignments for Techconsult AS?

Yes you can. We will sign a supplier agreement with the company. The company must be VAT registered and we want a declaration of Exemption from Solidarity Liability.
If you are a staffing enterprise, the company must be registered in the Registry for Staffing Enterprise through the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority. You can find more information and apply here 

What insurance do I get as an employee of Techconsult?

In Techconsult, you have all statutory insurance both in terms of occupational disease and occupational injury. This also applies to extended offshore insurance. In addition, we have a standard travel insurance. Techconsult will also ensure that job- and customer-specific requirements for insurance are covered. Your total insurance coverage will therefore partly depend on what position and responsibilities you have, where in the world you work, risk profile etc.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can have it resent by clicking here www.techconsult.no/consult/login.jsp

What do I do if I want to delete an old CV or enter a new CV in the Techconsult database?

You can delete your old CV and upload a new one, as well as upload other relevant documents by logging in to our intranet www.techconsult.no/intranett

What should a resume contain?

Your CV should contain information about your relevant work experience and information about your education. When you apply for the first time, we will, in addition to the CV, have 2 references as well as a copy of diplomas and certificates.


I have a profile in the database of Techconsult AS, but have not been contacted in connection with an assignment I may be interested in - what do I do?

Send email with updated CV to contact person for the position and register your interest. You will find your contact person on our intranet pages .

What rights do I have as an employee of Techconsult?

As a project employee in Techconsult, you have the same rights related to sickness benefits, holiday pay, holidays, notice periods, etc. as a regular permanent employee. The employment contract that we enter into covers all rights and obligations you have as an employee with us. Salary and other conditions can vary from assignment to assignment depending on the customer, type of job and the Temporary Agency Directive’s rules.

How do I apply for positions in Techconsult?

Du can either apply for a specific position which you can find here, www.techconsult.no/stillinger/stillingledig or submit a general application by filling out our application form www.techconsult.no/stillinger/sok-pa-stillinger

What do I do if I have moved or gotten a job - in relation to my registration in Techconsul's database?

If you have moved, you can update your address and contact information on our intranet pages www.techconsult.no/intranett. If you have gotten a job, and are no longer looking for a job, you can choose whether you want to leave your profile with us (you will be able to be contacted regarding exciting positions). You can also request to have your profile deleted by sending an e-mail tol post@techconsult or do this directly on the intranet. On the intranet you can also change all other personal information, telephones, emails, submit new documents and much more.

How do I change my password in Techconsult's database?

You can change your password by logging in to our intranet www.techconsult.no/intranett

What insurance do I get as an employee of Techconsult?

In Techconsult, you have all statutory insurance both in terms of occupational disease and occupational injury. This also applies to extended offshore insurance. In addition, we have a standard travel insurance. Techconsult will also ensure that job- and customer-specific requirements for insurance are covered. Your total insurance coverage will therefore partly depend on what position and responsibilities you have, where in the world you work, risk profile etc.

What should a resume contain?

Your CV should contain information about your relevant work experience and information about your education. When you apply for the first time, we will, in addition to the CV, have 2 references as well as a copy of diplomas and certificates.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can have it resent by clicking here www.techconsult.no/consult/login.jsp

What do I do if I want to delete an old CV or enter a new CV in the Techconsult database?

You can delete your old CV and upload a new one, as well as upload other relevant documents by logging in to our intranet www.techconsult.no/intranett

Can I use my limited company in connection with assignments for Techconsult AS?

Yes you can. We will sign a supplier agreement with the company. The company must be VAT registered and we want a declaration of Exemption from Solidarity Liability.